Last night Steven and I planned on going to the Detroit Temple as our Friday date night. I was to pick him up right after he was done with school and then we would drive straight to Detroit. On my way to pick up Steven I got a cell phone call, and of all people, it was the temple president. I thought "How did he know we were coming? I did not schedule an appointment, or did I?" It turned out that he didn't know, but stated that our bishop had
referred us to him to be temple workers. I told
him that we were headed over to Detroit at that very moment; how
convenient is that! On the way over there we got held up in traffic. Luckily though we made it to Detroit in a decent how, but poor Steven was tired and hungry. On our way I told Steven that we could eat any where he wanted, but it turned out because of lack of time, our options ended up on being very limited to
KFC and a small diner, and Steven let me know that
KFC was not going to satisfy his 10am hunger. We were scrunched for time and I could feel the tension in the air as Steven said "why do we do this? I don't like being rushed." I thought to myself "Because there is no other time to go to the temple, and you just told me that your hungry. What do you want me to do?," but I kept my mouth shut. He was right we were scrunched for time. I felt like I was in a lose-lose situation. Well, I knew for sure I did not like the hungry/irritable version of Steven so I took him to the small dinner. We rushed through dinner and rushed to the temple, and in our ideal world we would have made it to the 8pm session, but we didn't. Amazingly though what really happened is that as soon as we entered the door the atmosphere changed. There was not that sense of rush or failure. I felt at peace and happy. I still felt good for coming. We were able to meet with the temple president and he offered us the opportunity to work as ordinance workers, and stated how we would be blessed in doing so. We then went and did sealings. When it was all said and done everything turned out perfect. No, we did not make it in time for the session, but we were able to do sealings, an experience that Steven and I always wanted to have, and on top of that meet with an amazing man of God. After going to the temple we left with a peace that we did not have before entering, and an excitement in the opportunity to work at the temple. Oh, and I learned next time to pack dinner. :)