Having Cabela's so close has it's perks. Callie loves to see the animals, Steven loves to check out the outdoor gear, and it gives friends and family a good reason to come and visit us.
Just Swinging away on Nonny and Poppy's swing. This past weekend we went over to help out a little bit around the yard. Micheal and Sarah met up with us and we got a chance to go on a double date with a free baby sitter for all the babies! Hurray for Nonny and Poppy!
Glad to finally see something from your life!jk. I can't believe that there is no snow! I mean I have lived there so I know but it sooooo wierd to see a place with sun right now!!
I'm still so jealous of all the hair Callie has! They are growing so quickly. The cake decorating sounds fun!!!! Glad things are going well for you guys!
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